Saturday, July 12, 2008

an interesting neural case

recently a client walked into my clinic, with an injury to the brachial plexus, for non medical readers, it is an injury of the nerve(s) under your armpit which supply to the shoulder, arm, hand, wrist and fingers.  These are nerves for the sensation and motor control to control muscular movement.  Unfortunately he was in an accident on his bike and there was severing of the brachial nerve ... Post his operation and intensive physiotherapy he has got back sensation and motor control of his fingers, forearm and triceps.  Unfortunately, his shoulder and biceps have not shown any improvement either in size or in movement.  

To make a long story short, I am currently working on his radio brachialis and his fore arm musles especially at the origin in the hope that the radio brachialis and the origin head of the flexor groups of the forearm can stabilize the elbow joint and induce the faintest of faint neuromuscular activity in the biceps brachii.  Its slow going, but its a challange ... keep you all updated with my progress ... 

Look forward to your comments ....